Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

    • I. Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions apply for the business relations between buymskey.com and the customer. Conflicting conditions or conditions divergent from these General Terms and Conditions are not accepted and are hereby emphatically objected by the buymskey.com Conflicting conditions of the customer only apply when buymskey.com has explicitly agreed in written form.

    • II. Fundamental features of the buymskey.com services

buymskey.com sells product keys. Product keys will solely be sent via email. No sale or delivery of DVD´s or CD´s. There will be no postal delivery.

    • III. Risks for the customer regarding the services

buymskey.com takes all possible precautions in order to keep the customer's account information secret and to avoid spying by a third party. The customer is obliged to enhance the security by means of encrypted data transmission and changes of password after the service provision.

    • IV.. Steps to the Conclusion of the Contract

The customer chooses a product by clicking the shopping button. The product will be placed into the shopping cart and the shopping cart will be displayed with the relevant product information. In order to select another product the customer can navigate towards it and click on it. The product will be added to the shopping cart and the updated shopping cart with the articles that it contains will be displayed. This process can be repeated.

    • V. Conclusion of the contract

The customer has to make sure that his reachability via Email is guaranteed so that Emails from buymskey.com can reach him. He should therefore check the security settings, for example of the spam-filter and possible junk mail-accounts.